I was getting off at Bugis station. PLENTY of people were getting off at Bugis. Why was our door stuck? This fat patootie of a girl (she's in her early 20s) stood at the doorway as the door opened, taking up half the door space. I kid you not. (someone else was at the door corner).
No cow sense in that girl, she just stood there like an immovable cow and the other people had to shove past her. I said to the girl "Have you no sense to move OUT of the doorway instead of blocking HALF of the exit?"
Whatever happened to education, both at school and especially at HOME.
Singaporeans are not taking responsibility for inculcating civic values in their children, who, as a result, grow up into thoughtless creatures, who will, eventually, have children who will continue the cycle of inconsiderate behaviour.
Just look at the number of badly behaved children at the shopping centres, with their ever-indulgent parents turning a blind eye to their children's destructive behaviour.
And our poor government is trying their best to groom our population into a nation of civic minded, well-mannered people.
Singaporeans are a long, long way off from civil behaviour.
I guess that's because we are not a nation of cows, otherwise we'd have cow-sense, yes? *roll eyes*
I'm NOT into Pina Coladas, or getting caught in the rain. (I prefer Chocolate Milkshakes, and snug in bed when it rains)
Although I am a sociable person, I still need my peace and haven. I love beaches and being by water, ON water and a little IN water (just not where I can't see bottom)